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Wednesday 19 October 2011

Pharmacology: Care and Matienance of Drugs and Where they Come From (kind of boring, but I gotta learn it haha)

Pharmacology is the study of drugs encompassing drug origin, chemical composition, indications and actions on the body. The definition of a drug is a chemical substance that when administered to an organism produces a response.

Drugs can come from plants, animals, minerals, synthetically made and genetically engineered. Morphine comes from the opium plant. Some examples of these are insulin that comes from an animals pancreatic endocrine glands of mammals and treats diabetes. Magnesium sulfate comes from the mineral salts. Diazepam is a man made drug that is used to treatment of seizures. Human R. Insulin is genetically engineered to mass produce the drugs at are identical to human hormones.
 << LOL

 Opium Plants

The purpose of drugs are to diagnose, treat, prevent, and cure humans and animals by antibiotics, immunizations, vitamins etc.

There are factors to why drugs sometimes don't work or have too much of an effect on a patient. The factors the effect drug action are: does, cooperation, presence of other drugs, age, gender, genetic, body composition, diet, disease, and liver/kidney function.

There are three different types of drug categories: 1) nonprescription drugs: These drugs require no prescription. Also known as over the counter drugs. 2) Prescription Drugs: These can only be prescribed by a licenced health professional and lastly 3) Controlled Drugs: these have limitations places on them regarding who can prescribe, sell and process these agents.

Drugs can be administered eternally and prenatally. Enteral includes orally and rectally (awesome). Parental includes subligual (under the tongue), intralingual (injected underneath the tongue), subcutaneous (injecting under the skin and over the muscle), intramuscular (injected deep into the muscle tissue), intravenous (injected directly into the blood stream), endotracheal (in the capillaries of the lungs), inhalation (breathing it in), intraossous (through the vascular bone marrow), topical (directly on the skin), transdermal (on the skin as well).

Care Of Medications
1. Always read the labels and instructions
2. Do not use a drug which as changed in color or appearance
3. Some drugs are sensitive to moisture must be kept tightly sealed
4. Some drugs are sensitive to light and must be kept in coloured containers; usually dark brown
5. Check the expiry date
6. Some drugs are only stable in powder form, once mixed with a liquid they deteriorate.

Storage Of Medications
1. Keep medicines in a separate place, not freely accessible
2. Keep narcotics and controlled drugs under lock and key
3. Keep external medicine separate and mark external use only
4. Some preparations need to be kept in the fridge
5. Labels of all medicines must be clean and legible
6. Never leave drugs uncorked or uncapped. Replace broken corks and caps.
7. Keep poisons separate and clearly marked
8. Check expiration dates and recorder as required
9. Maintain an adequate stock to meet needs

this is too boring i cant go on LOL ill finish later if anyone even wants to hear more about pharmacology.

Pharmacokinetics: The study of how drugs enter the body. So basically what the body does/reacts to the drug.
Parmacodynamics: The study of the actions within the body. So basically what it does to the body.

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